Im really not happy that the SJ primary team were allowed into the championship round by facing a W-R team that only had 1 W-R player. Imo this match should be replayed with the actual W-R team who arrived on time for the event and not late like the SJ team.
Random but curated map pool for each server would allow the games to go much faster, as the teams would just have to use the !nextmap function to get to their next match. It also means that both teams cant over prepare for the maps before the event. This would GREATLY cut down on downtime as you complete your match, use !nextmap and instantly play another without having to get the server admins involved.
C-bill limits were very well received and I’d like to see them more.
Secondly, a Double elimination bracket is one that allows for the loser of any round to have another chance at being in the final.
If you look at the image you can see that the losers from the top area of the bracket are transplanted into the bottom bracket where they can then fight again in the final if they can defeat all other losers. Sometimes this means that the last 2 matches will be against the same teams, as the losers in round nine, could win round 11 and play the same team in the finals. Ideally we should use challonge or something to track this bracket a bit better in the future.
And finally, games really should be restricted to one day and one day only. Having that first game on the Friday really messed stuff up for the rest of the bracket and put us in a bad position. If teams arnt available for that one day, unfortunately they cant play. If teams turn up late then they have to go into the loser bracket.