I want to ensure I am as prepared as possible to make things more smooth than last time. So what are the checklist of things to look out for or need to be ready?
Servers set to exact conditions for both championships. Teams placed in server name. Server admin accounts added and checked. Simple g_nextlevel should suffice to change to next map. Maps not set to start until 4 players. Next up is the streaming software setup. Idea is to play both championships Saturday with Sunday as a fallback for the Third Place Championship.
This is a very very rough draft of what I have so far. The videos are going to be done all at once for the edited recordings. Focus today is on the livestreams.
Championship Round
Smoke Jaguars
Star Adder: Stone Mask
Third Place Championship Round
Wolverines Rebirth/Wolverines Rebirth Mercs
Jade Falcon Guards
Semi Finals Round
Mostly Heartless 1
Quarter Finals Round
Mostly Heartless 3
Sea Fox Mercs
Super Mercenary Team
Play in Games
BAA Mercs
Mostly Heartless 2
The format with the eleven teams that participated in the bracket got a bit confusing. The bracket will not let me set it up as intended.
First on Sunday night before the tournament Mostly Heartless Team 2 battled Wolverines Rebirth Mercenary team. Then BAA Mercenaries took on Mostly Heartless 3 on Friday night. Wolverines Rebirth took on Mercenary Team on Saturday.
We lost Wolverines Rebirth due to time issues on Saturday.
Play in Round Sunday 21 July
Mostly Heartless 2 vs Wolverines Rebirth Mercenaries
SJ Red, SJ duelist, merc vs =KOS Invictus, WR Burner, WR Tuz
Winner: WR Mercs
Round 1 Friday 26 July
Mostly Heartless 3 vs BAA Mercenaries
CloneSarge, SJ Rishingo, SJ Joey, SJ Architect, SJ duelist vs BAA, 12VR Snow Gibbon, mercs
Winner: Mostly Heartless 3
*BAA team leader ran out of time Friday night before final map. Team leader announced could only play Friday.
Round 1 Saturday 27 July
Star Adder: Stand Arrow vs Jade Falcon Guards
SA Glarrg, SA DenAirWalker, SA Kaze vs CJF Leeko, CJF Direwolf, CJF Jamuk
Winner: SA: Stand Arrow
Sea Fox Mercenaries vs Wolverines Rebirth Mercenaries
CSF Exile, CSF Alphapilot, 12VR Rickhunter, merc vs WR Tuz, WR Burner, merc =KOS=Invictus
winner: WR Mercs
Smoke Jaguar Beta Galaxy vs Super Mercenary Team
SJ Proxema, SJ Kidzin, SJ Rookzero vs =KOS= Invictus , Deathlord, mercs
winner: SJ Beta
Round 2
Runner up battle
Sea Fox Mercenaries vs Jade Falcon Guards
CSF Exile, CSF Alphapilot, 12VR Rickhunter, merc vs CJF Leeko, CJF Direwolf, CJF Jamuk
winner; Jade Falcon Guards ; Secures third place championship run
Round 2 Semi Final
Star Adder: Stand Arrow vs Mostly Heartless 3
SA Glarrg, SA DenAirWalker, SA Kaze vs SJ Joey, SJ Architect, SJ duelist
winner: SA Stand Arrow
Secures place in Championship.
Wolverines Rebirth Mercs vs Smoke Jaguar Beta Galaxy
WR Tuz, WR Burner, =KOS= Invictus, CJF Direwolf, WR Marius vs SJ Proxema, Kidzin, Rookzero
winner: SJ Beta
Secures place in Championship
WR secures place in Third Place Championship.
Round 3 Finals
Star Adder: Stand Arrow vs Smoke Jaguar Beta Galaxy
SA Glarrg, SA DenAirWalker, SA Kaze vs SJ Proxema, SJ Kidzin, SJ Rookzero
winner: TBD
Third Place Championship
Jade Falcon Guards vs Wolverines Rebirth/ WR Mercs
CJF Leeko, CJF Direwolf, CJF Jamuk vs WR Tuz, WR Burner, =KOS=Invictus, WR Marius, WR Bob
Unfinished battle
WR Mercs vs Mostly Heartless 1
Round 2 round robin
ThreeV3 Championship Round 21/22 UTC 17 August Saturday.
Third Place Championship maybe > 11 August 20 UTC more likely
19? UTC 20 August
Chaos “Mega Battle” Sunday 18 August
I cleaned this up a bit-edited.
Need advertising, structure, confirmation of player participation, a set start time, etc.
And having HPG host the games might be an issue?
Ok. The video footage would help promote the second part. The editing is a huge undertaking. The matches I missed are on twitch on other peoples streams. Those might already be gone. If not kindly ask them to upload highlights to youtube?
Tonnage based clantech matches to mixtech. Ok lets look at that. Done. Final map 5 on Championship from clan tons to mixed tons. Probably good for flexibility.
Server map changes-should be taken care of with the rcon revisited. Plus the rotations are now specific to the server. Teams have the server named after them so its easier to know where to go. Still, test the rcon ahead of time, test the d/ls?
On screen graphic or custom image could help with that. Something even like this team has 2 rounds won 1 round loss. A leader board and the teams in the finals are the “undefeated” or highest number of rounds won.
There was no central information place like a leaderboard/google doc to report to. That led to a lack of information to the event runner.
Yep an official leaderboard/bracket even for the last 4 teams is good and desired.
Players got turned away- that CANNOT happen again. Period. Having one of the volunteers keep an eye on flow of players. Hey event leader so and so needs a team/spot. My server is empty or has just completed my thing I’m ready for new teams.
tie a browser source into a "three v3 google sheet “calc”. Easy and crucial improvement.
Even just a short meeting to organize who is covering what and general setup to streamline the streams.
Probably could hand out that kind of permission to most of Chaos main player base at least for events.
IDEA: Leaderboard could doulble as en event status page for the event organizer. Server 1 Status, Maps, Needed service, questions for drop leaders etc. What about timers?
More Cbill limits, after this 3v3 is wrapped up the fall one is all or primarliy cbill limits. If there is any remaining tons drops they will be minority. We got good feedback on the mixture and on being cbill only. So that is something to revisit. But tons as the main way, at least for the ThreeV3s are on the way out or already are done.
Call in the volunteer troops. I took on way too much last time and it is going to take work to fix this.
Get set yeses on if people can help or make it.
Have a backup plan ready to implement.
Need 4 teams to fix the bracket and finish this.
Implement a partial double bracket scenario.
Keeping in mind the limitations in time we have-this has to wrap in a day in a few hours at most.
And having an open seed round robin … do we have time for that? I keep hearing before this current event that 3v3 could be played more. Got the anniversary dates coming up could tack that onto the Friday before. Concentrate on the Championships only and make sure they are great?
Or even just get out of my own way and finish this the way eveybody wants…
This is gonna be a huge turning point if this is the wrong call.
Best 2/3 Semi tying in seeding while giving teams a warmup while second chance to the championship?
Go Cbill base limit only (maybe 1 map for tons for old time sake?)
Best 3/5 main championships?
Ouch that is 16 games to play in one day… hard enough that that the Third Place takes place during the championship.
Still hear me out self…
WR vs SA? 2/3
CJF vs SJ 2/3
SA vs SJ 3/5 Championship
WR/CJF 3/5 Third Place Championship
alternative if we don’t have a full team
SA with CJF/WR all stars Championship
Third Place Game WR/CJF
alternative if we lose a team
CJF vs WR 2/3 or 3/5 “EARLY” before Championship
winner gets back into the finals
SJ vs CJF/WR 3/5 Championship
All cbill based. Teams pick their maps. 2 for each team. One map is known ahead of time. Cbill limits are also set ahead of time, in order. Supervisor sets the map order.
Map block?
Then let other teams round robin on a third server. Maybe set a “late night” semi organized thingy after?
NO gonna be tired from doing the championships right.
If other teams that participated want to get another shot they could play as double elimination bracket. But for the seeding aspect for November.
WR/CJF in Third Place Championship could fight for the number 1/2/3 seed in November. Yeah that could work. Puts something on the line. Champions maybe get 1 or 2 and third place team gets 1 or 3?
Ok so I think thats a do able plan. But who has the patience, time, and skills to work with me on this?
I need to have volunteers to help get confirmations from the teams and players.
I need advertisers.
I need streamers.
I need announcers.
I need 1-2 supervisors.
I need 1 12VR server either as the main thing or as backup.
The big thing might be this leaderboard thing. If we make a good one other people could adopt it for their events. And we would have it for the future like the sign up sheet we made.
Teams and their current total match wins.
Their current opponents and their current server.
Current team members.
Their prior opponents and scores.
Current match supervisor for each server.
A section for “notes” or hey event person this needs your attention.
Current in progress match score.
So basically we need an online Chaos “battlelog” style thingy but cleaned up.
Bracket on Chalonge with a livestream card (we had this last 2 times) to track overall progress.
and then a decision. Go all out on the format changes? Keep the current rounds? … I hope I am right about this.
New format.
Hmm I never handed out drop calcs this round… that would be helpful to teams AND it could help track progress…
TSA IceArena 128K 98K 54K
TSA Glory 45k 50k 55k
TSA Badlands IS 150k 130k 110k
TSA Helsgate 59K 74K 90K
TSA Jungle 155k 145k 140k
Third Place
TSA Badlands 45K 50K 55K
TSA Alshain 135k 90k 70k
TSA Jungle 82K 98K 105K
TSA Forsaken 60k 70k 80k
TSA SolarisA 100k 125k 150k
Plus double elimination within our limits. If we roll all 4 teams,
CJF has a loss.
WR has a loss.
SA has no loss.
SJ has no loss.
Best 2/3 quick round OR maybe maps won/lost over 2.
If 2/3 is too many maps takes too long then,
This format introduces map change issues and issues over a team choosing “bad” map.
Format 1 winner is Third Place finisher and gets a high seed in November.
Third Place WR vs CJF
TSA Badlands 45K 50K 55K
135k 90k 70k
82K 98K 105K
60k 70k 80k
100k 125k 150k
Championship winner is champion, high seed. runner up gets high seed.
TSA IceArena 128K 98K 54K
45k 50k 55k
150k 130k 110k
59K 74K 90K
155k 145k 140k
this is traditional and can run parallel. But no double elimination factor… and this is if we have all 4 teams.
Format 2 4 Teams maps are static.
TSA IceArena 128K 98K 54K
TSA Glory 45k 50k 55k
TSA Badlands IS 150k 130k 110k
TSA Helsgate 59K 74K 90K
TSA Jungle 155k 145k 140k
Third Place
TSA Badlands 45K 50K 55K
TSA Alshain 135k 90k 70k
TSA Jungle 82K 98K 105K
TSA Forsaken 60k 70k 80k
TSA SolarisA 100k 125k 150k
Format 3 double elimination/warmup
WR vs SA
Choose 3 maps.
150k 130k 110k
59K 74K 90K
135k 90k 70k
Choose 3 maps.
150k 130k 110k
59K 74K 90K
135k 90k 70k
Third Place WR vs CJF 1 map veto each team? Each team select 2 maps.
TSA Badlands 45K 50K 55K
135k 90k 70k
82K 98K 105K
60k 70k 80k
100k 125k 150k
Championship winner is champion, high seed. runner up gets high seed. 1 map veto each team?
TSA IceArena 128K 98K 54K
45k 50k 55k
150k 130k 110k
59K 74K 90K
155k 145k 140k
Format 3
Double Elimination, 3-4 teams.
Third Place/Back to Championship WR vs CJF winner gets in vs SJ if we lose SA team. Played before
not parallel, same day however. Cut down to 2/3 perhaps.
TSA Badlands 45K 50K 55K
TSA Alshain 135k 90k 70k
TSA Jungle 82K 98K 105K
TSA Forsaken 60k 70k 80k
TSA SolarisA 100k 125k 150k
Alternative 2/3 winner in championship vs SJ if we lose SA.
TSA Badlands 45K 50K 55K
TSA Alshain 135k 90k 70k
TSA Jungle 82K 98K 105K
or same thing but they each choose a map.
45K 50K 55K
135k 90k 70k
TSA Jungle 82K 98K 105K
Winning team sends 2 players to join SA captain in Championship.
Winning team goes as a whole to Championsihp.
TSA IceArena 128K 98K 54K
TSA Glory 45k 50k 55k
TSA Badlands IS 150k 130k 110k
TSA Helsgate 59K 74K 90K
TSA Jungle 155k 145k 140k
winner is Third Place finisher and gets a high seed in November.
Third Place WR vs CJF
TSA Badlands 45K 50K 55K
TSA Alshain 135k 90k 70k
TSA Jungle 82K 98K 105K
TSA Forsaken 60k 70k 80k
TSA SolarisA 100k 125k 150k
I will address tank-flip gate today. I need all available footage sent to me.
ThreeV3 Third Place Game WR vs ??? Tonight
Invic, Tuz, Burner?
Chaos Anniversary event today at main time.
List of stuff to do postgame now that tourney is done.
Schedule post game show stream/video. Get finalized leaderboard, standings.
Try to do open ended 3v3 games for seeding Friday.
Begin a new thread for prep for November event.
Give more time for feedback/other player involvement in the setup.
Fix the broken stuffs.
Post the edited no downtime video.