Use this for running commentary with VOIP.
Duelist proposal to see more BA:
Lower BV by 1 for each asset. 3-4 to 2-3. Two additional lives per APC?
Dom consents to BV change.
InVictus consents to BV change.
Marius consents to BV change.
Duelist consents to BV change.
LAPC from 3 to 2. HAPC to 4 to 3.
*Extra BA reduced by 5 tons to 5 tons from 10 tons.
Aircraft must land to rearm. Rule changes to be revisited January the 1st.
Duelist to:
Fix economy. Fix starmap. Play for predetermined time.
Running experiment regardless of good/bad.
Shift from playing CM to other events related to or based off of CM.
Possible shift CM to friday. Saturdays for other tournaments.
Define how other events affect CM. *Escort mode, raids etc?
Ideal is to have quick, low-effort games to affect things meaningfully while of course starting without any holdups.
Callout for more organizers and theorycrafters for events. Need more manpower.
Turn on economy once every four weeks, or limited for specialist buys. Asset transfer changes?
Solaris Event officially December eight or fifteenth.
Requires livestreamers, bracket or round robin 4-8 hour event.
Chaos March / Related events advertisement system to make use of 3v3 tournament momentum.
Running commentary concluded for 11/18/2018 @ 7:04 PM EST
12/15/2018 8:27 PM
InVictus proposal to BA carrying:
APC carry until “round end”. Does not count as a true carrying asset for functions of game end.
*Note: This means that the 3 minute timer will not exist anymore, but BA have the capability to fight the men. They are obligated to kill the enemy, and the enemy to kill them unless they risk a carrying asset change.
*Subject to correction and expansion in the BA thread? New BA thread?
Concluded 8:42 PM
Post must be at least twenty characters
As a sidenote I have no idea what to do with the metagame aspects of the rulebook Duelist, and nor does Evan really. We might have to hold a briefing on how the metagame actually plays if you want to crowdsource information.
I think, as boring as they are, a rulebook council meeting is necessary. It would not be good to go 9 months with an incomplete ruleset. Its almost done-mainly cleanup, ideas thought out, and planning for connection to non-drop mode server and seeds for the revised economy. Idea randomly-award economy points to players for participation outside of chaos. Points redeemable somehow inside Chaos.