CM Anniversary 2022 Saturday August 13 and 20

We’re back! 18:30 UTC on both Saturday August 13 and 20. We’ll see you soon with more details.

What do you want to see? What maps are you itching to play?

Livestreams are scheduled.

Need to reach out and see if I can get some updated graphics for the streams/promos.
Looking to record a promo video with players this weekend.

No spreadsheeets. Some self contained meta game. A mix of new and old stuffs.
Can raids be pulled off anymore (oranized TC, CM style).
Can I convince people TSA can be fun in short bursts?
Premake a drop list for the opening game to get started quickly?
Find some now “old to the players” maps that still play well?
What are some new maps that are rarely played?

Also should right a lore story article.

This lore looks good: Tortuga Dominions - BattleTechWiki
Something something the pirate raids in cm from 2 years ago now must be dealt with. Conquer Moragns Holdfast, New Port Royal, Fletchers Feast, New Haiti, New Gascony, and finally if you make it Tortuga Prime.

3079 or 3082?

Maybe one of the teams? Start things on a big battle jump right in with a scenario with precooked lists/mechs etc. Then “jump to safety” in Tortuga. Finish upfront not at the end on weekend 2 start. Same scenario but the end of the epilogue of CM. OFC where does that lead future CM events lore wise? Not a ton to do past 3082…

Chaos March makes its annual return! The 2022 edition drops the spreadsheets. Expect a mix of nostalgia and modern organized action. The story involves retaliation on the pirate raids of 2020 on Chaos Planets. The fictional pirate perpetrators have been found nestled in the Tortuga Dominions. A very basic linear campaign with some team choices impacting game play form the meta game this year. But just want the event info and the drops? Here you go!

Saturday 13 August. Saturday 20 August.

Setup begins at 18:00. The fun starts at 18:30 utc.

Want to help capture or defend the Tortuga Dominions?

Grab the game at

Get teamspeak at TeamSpeak Downloads | TeamSpeak

Point it at server Join channel Chaos March Ready Room. Join either of the team channels if a tournament official does not place you quickly.

Teamspeak server generously hosted by Wolverines Rebirth.

The game server will be pass word protected. Come find it out and join the server name similarly to “CM Anniversary hosted by 12VR”.

Game servers generously hosted by 12th Vegan Rangers.

Want to watch it instead?


Mek Master Youtube Live Stream August 13:

Mek Master Youtube LIve Stream August 20: Mechwarrior Living Legends 2022 CM Anniversary Event Weekend Two - YouTube


Post will be updated with other channel coverage. Edited videos from the event, including alternative coverage not found in the live streams, will be uploaded to the Mek Master channel.

Want to volunteer?

Spots open for an “announcing”/”commentary” team. Somebody to help with server map changes. Live Streams and video coverage are welcome. Contact duelist to have them listed! Drop commanders are always appreciated.

I have duelist slowly working on the release of remaining details before the event start. Stay tuned for updates.

Thanks to everyone for helping to make the event possible!

And yes, if everything lines up right, there is a good chance of a ThreeV3 Nov 12 and 19.