Calcs for Saturday sent to leaders. Update to faction leaders this weekend. Need to setup training for Blakist and Stone leaders.
Auto pilot time for event for next two weeks. I will still be around and we can hold some meetings. But people are busy this time of year and have more time off. So plan for low numbers next two weekends. But one year we had record turnout. Be safe out there and have fun.
Thanks to everyone for another great year of Chaos.
PS Finishing Blakists/Stone next Sunday. Capellans offensive Saturday.
- Meeting broken up into 3 1 hour parts during a January Chaos day.
Wrap up rulebook, form advertising campaign, update drop calc, set initial course for next Chaos iteration. - Set cadence schedule for event. Faction leaders should know at start of each month what days to show up for offensives and when drop calcs will be ready.
- Drop leader/faction leader training
- Terrain Control and other incubator games 2 hours before Chaos drop start
How to tie it into the event? - Sunday night “sj practice night” expansion into Sunday night Merc night
- Audit of C3 tool, battellog, and transfer sheets. Make sure planets are all correct.
- Server reinstallation for more permanent setup
- Set dates for 3v3 v2 , solaris solo event, Project One Off Planet League Test, Operation Viper
- Get new C3 User assigned to Chaos group to be able to use tool
- Have fun and also improve streaming quality/occasional events podcast/recap show
Random thoughts. Dead stuff is 1 week behind schedule. 2 of 4 planet attacks declared for the new turn. Need blakist and FWL.
All factions are up to date on dead assets.
I am preparing best I can for the meeting.
1/20 Capellans Turn 2. Backup FWL.
1/26 Sat BLAKISTS @Evan20k Log in and select planet early next week on clanwolf site.
1/27 Sun STONE gotta get in contact with tigrex to select planet.
2/2 Sat (1/27 backup) Free Worlds League
2/3 Sun Capellans
2/9 Sat FWL
2/16 Sat Stone
2/17 Sun Blakists
2/23 Sat Capellans
2/24 Sun FWL
Double headers need to return at some point. But not during February.
Outreach was never captured but was in stones transfer sheet as well as blakists. There were assets moved from a planet. Planet is restored to blakists. Assets were from Capolla which is held by blakists. They likely belong to stone.
Update we got it fixed. Assets were on a different blakist planet. Now the starmap was wrong.
The jet on Saturday battle was still alive not “dead in the air bug”. Miscommunication on my part led to the pilot exiting the game rather than playing on with 0 % health. The player should have been allowed to play on after the collision.
Overall a very good day Saturday. The wait times got to 30 minutes twice as something to work on. A mini game is a must when expecting longer than 15 minutes.
Sunday One drop. Factions are up to date on dead assets. I suggest faction leaders transfer some stuff around, especially defense fleet 10 assets. I need to get Tigrex up to date on the C3 tool now that we have the account active. Evan the transfer tool a bit to advise the other commander on what to transfer.
The meeting needs to happen in January. The dates for the other 3 events are coming up quickly.
I need to update the drop calc, also a top priority.
Read the various threads I got floating around the forum. Lots of good info and things to think about.
3v3 event, solaris solo, TC Sunday, and the unannounced event. Lots of stuff to schedule and plan in addition to the refresh of Chaos for Spring/Summer.
Dead assets up to date. Battelog in a bit. FWL is getting some attention. I am teaming up with a few veteran pilots to give move stuff around for up to 3 jumps. There have been no assets moved around in quite a few turns. Meeting tomorrow and this week to improve their competitive position for the final run.
Dead assets updated for Sunday. FWL had a tough go of it with under 90 assets that were not APC. Mirage was competitive. Map 1 and 2 were not. Replay is under consideration along with allowing a limited transfer of assets. Balance must be guarded against filling the planet with knowledge of the incoming planet offensive.
Backup campaign priority is Blakists followed by FWL.
Ok reviewing videos from Capellans POV. Sandblasted all assets were near dead. Balanced match. Reviewing map 2.
Thunderrift was also fair.
Argument then switches to, close matches, would FWL have won with better stuffs.
Replay likely denied.
I played faction leader for FWL. I tried to get stuff moved to get within the limits after losing Poznan. I will have WR finish the process. Planets at least have stuff on them now.
The schedule skipped Sunday the 10th. But the TC games will take out the 24th date for FWL. Options are to move FWL to the 10th, to the 22nd, or to March.
Blakists are moving stuff around. Planet Elgin involved. But Stone owns Elgin. Planet moved to stone. Asset transfers were still legal as planets were connected via jump routes. Elgin stuff moved to Capolla.
2/9 Sat FWL
2/10 Sun ???
2/16 Sat Stone
2/17 Sun Blakists
2/22 FRI FWL ???
2/23 Sat Capellans
Blakists are the backup calc for Saturday. Sunday is FWL in the next turn. Backup calc for Sunday TBD.
Trying to schedule the Chaos Meeting, Three V3, Solaris Solo, and prep for the TC Spectacular. All that while keeping on time with this weekend Chaos. We have to bump 1-2 teams up a week. Deciding between all in with FWL or bumping Blakists/Stone. Also have to prep Mini games and TC schedule for this weekend. Plus a tiny bit of server stuff. Busy!
Each team now has a jump route table in the planets tab. Plus a thread was made here.
Jump routes!
Ok so 3 drop lists for mini games are done. TC RingofFire is the Saturday TC map. Sunday TC map is TC Harvest. Backup map is TC Flatlands. FWL finishes off their campaign first. Then Blakists take the stage for Saturday. Sunday sees FWL once again. TC games at 19:00 UTC. Chaos at 20:00 UTC.
Finally, the rulebook is nearing completion. Need the meeting to finish off small details.
Things are moving slowly this week on purpose. It will be late processing the turns and calcs for the week. Videos will be up late. Meeting maybe next weekend. Recharding batteries after last weekend.
Still regular Chaos Saturday and Sunday just taking a breather till Friday night.
A slow week again. FWL/Stone are the scheduled teams. April schedule to be set soon. Emphasis on drop calc fixes, event promotion, and testing the new game modes for the next few weeks. Dead asset marking will have some work done before Saturday. Starting “on time” is the top priority. Need to find out 20:00 UTC for both sides of the pond. Event is losing players due to “late” or incorrect start time. Going slow is a good thing because once the summer planning picks up it is full throttle till the end of August. More info later once I am back on my MWLL duties.
This is the week to pick up the pieces. Videos are up but meta data requires the battlelog entry. Drop calc must be finished, top priority. Invictus and I talked about future plans. A few Chaos pilots held a small meeting to discuss ideas. Faction leaders are slowly settling in the roles.Schedule needs to be set for April. The other big things are starting on time, scheduling play tests, and starting organized stuff one hour before Chaos. Things have to get moving again if we are to stay on schedule. I am in need of volunteers to share the workload and keep me accountable moving forward with the league launch. Drop calcs need to go out but dead assets need to catch up first.
We have a replay to fix the B450 campaign and the B453 campaign. Blakits will then go on offense in turn 81. Capellans, FWL, Stone, then Blakists will be the order of dead asset processing. A meeting is taking place this weekend to start the Economy, Continuous Drops, and Advertising/Information planning for the summer league. I will try to have a non-chaos activity, revolving around something new with puretech, as well. Somewhere in there I hope to input the fixes to the drop calc now that we know what is broken for variants. Sunday will feature FWL on offense with another faction on the backup calc. I will meet with Capellan and Blakists leadership in the next few days to coordinate everything.
May is here. It is all about preparing the summer league now. Getting our design document up, assigning volunteers to distribute the work. and play testing between drops. Everything else is less of a priority until June 1.
I think the solution to dead assets is to require the supervisor to post the drop calc participation lists. This then in turn shows dead assets if the faction leaders filled them out. A quick way to allow auditing and to have the dead assets right there.
Today went well with an on the fly FWL campaign. Blakists and Capellans are preparing for Sunday.
Drop calc update is now done. Rulebook should be very close to approval. FWL dead stuff half done. Blakists/Stone need dead stuff processed. Videos, battlelog need some updates. Summer league features need to be added to rulebook.
I am now collecting feedback from everywhere I can. I want to investigate activating the second server initiative. Rulebook needs the Economy added in. “Raids” need defining. Then setting the official dates for the Chaos Anniversary, "5v5 “TC?”, and the 10th MWLL anniversary edition. 3v3 is sorta set for Mid July and if we’re still doing stuff Octover/November time frame. I will need help finishing this last bit of setup for the Summer League. I mainly need feedback and ideas. Then it is time to finish catching up on dead assets, turns, and setting and keeping a schedule cadence for our faciton leaders. Mainly, I need to train anybody willing to learn the asset transfer and meta game. More info later, gotta forumlate the feedback so far, listen to the lots more coming, and figure out what is possible.
Getting some progress done on battlelog and videos tonight. The second server will possibly go up tonight. IF I do my part then soft launch next weekend for the remaining features or part of them.
Battlelog is done. Videos are done. Maybe finish FWL in time for a new campaign later today.